Electrotherapy, also called electrostimulation, describes the medical application of electric current. Ultrasound is not only used by doctors for organ screening or for baby checkups, but also by therapists as a treatment method. Both forms of therapy are usually used as supplementary measures in physiotherapy.
Treatment devices
In ultrasound treatment the therapist uses a special ultrasound gel to create a connection between the transducer and the skin. Sound waves penetrate up to five centimeters into the tissue. The sound waves work mainly where tendons and bones meet. Therefore the ultrasonic therapy is mainly used for pain or injuries of ligaments, tendons or bursa, arthrosis, delayed healing after bone fractures as well as rheumatic or chronic, inflammatory diseases.
The therapist has a special electrotherapy device with various current forms to choose from, which can be applied with electrodes on the patient. Depending on which method the therapist uses and how the electrodes are placed, the therapy either aims for pain relief, stimulation of metabolism and thus better wound healing or improvement of muscle and joint function. Electrotherapy is therefore particularly suitable for circulatory disorders of the tissue, paralysis and reduction of muscle mass, arthrosis, chronic complaints, muscle pain or incontinence in weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.
TENS therapy
With TENS therapy (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and IMES (Intramuscular electrical stimulation) we offer two special forms of electrotherapy. Pain relief and an increase of muscle strength are the two main goals of the stimulation with the TENS device. IMES is excellently suited for the treatment of Trigger points.
In the pelvic floor therapy the electrotherapy device is used with a vaginal probe to get feedback about the activation of the pelvic floor and to stimulate and activate it.
If skin irritation or other unpleasant sensations occur after a treatment, please inform your therapist. Care should be taken with cardiac arrhythmias, open wounds and skin problems, pacemakers or other metallic implants, as well as during pregnancy. Your therapist will inform you about the next steps.
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Ultrasound- / Electrotherapy is used for:
- chronic muscle or tendon pain
- scar/tissue bonding
- myalgia (muscle pain)
- fracture healing
- chronic muscle or tendon pain
- scar/tissue bonding
- myalgia (muscle pain)
- fracture healing