The PHYSIOZENTRUM does have professional training equipment, wardrobes and showers. But we are not a gym. There are no animators, no protein shakes, no blood-pumping music, no sauna.
Our training infrastructure is designed for healthy training to improve strength, endurance and coordination.
We do not focus on rehabilitation after an accident or illness, but on prevention. The aim is to avoid another herniated disc and to make the recurring neck pain disappear.
Training groups
In everyday therapy we see that incorrectly performed workout can not only be pointless, but even counterproductive. Therefore, we offer training groups twice a week at specific locations. These groups are guided by the head coaches of the practices. Participation is free of charge for customers with a subscription. Get further information about time and location at the reception of your PHYSIOZENTRUM.
In order to increase the effect of the training, the progress should be monitored and the training plan adjusted regularly. We therefore recommend personal training sessions (not included in the subscription price).
Fitness subscriptions are not covered by compulsory health insurance, therefore no reimbursement is possible.
· 3 months: 340 francs
· 6 months: 490 francs
· 12 months: 590 francs