Massage in Wetzikon

A professional massage works: it relieves pain, helps specifically with complaints and has a preventive effect. Our massage specialists at the Möwe Center in Wetzikon have mastered various techniques to address your needs.

Massage specialists

Thanks to our training and experience, every touch hits the spot.

Individual therapy

We meet your needs with the appropriate treatment.

Pressure works wonders

Our massages revitalise and alleviate complaints – even preventively.

We offer medical massage

For us, as a health-oriented practice, the healing effects of massage are paramount. Our massage therapists aim to eliminate your ailments such as pain, inflammation and tension. They get to the bottom of the causes of your discomfort and combat them effectively and sustainably with a medical massage.

To do this, they use various massage methods, such as the classic massage or the powerful sports massage. But our masseuses are also specialized in foot reflexology, pregnancy massage, connective tissue massage or lymphatic drainage.

This is how a massage with us works

The massage treatment starts with a short conversation. Your masseur or masseuse will draw up a medical report in order to specifically assess your complaints. Then an individual treatment plan is worked out and you set a goal together: What do you want to achieve with the massage? For example, would you like to be pain-free again or regain your mobility? After this brief but important exchange, the massage begins.

Which massage is right one?

Our masseurs choose the type of massage based on your complaints and treatment goals. We recommend booking a treatment duration of 40 or 55 minutes at the first appointment.


25 Min
For an initial evaluation, to treat minor complaints or for small areas of the body such as the neck or joints
CHF 70.—
40 Min
The ideal length for medium discomfort or for treating several parts of the body. Recommended for the first appointment
CHF 110.—
55 Min
The optimal length for full body massages or for complex complaints. Recommended for the first appointment
CHF 145.—
The most popular offer

The majority of health insurance companies cover the costs of a massage in full or in part as part of a supplementary insurance policy. Please check with your insurance company before treatment.

Our massage specialists in Wetzikon

Medical massage therapist
Medical massage therapist

Wetzikon Kirchgasse


Kirchgasse 4

8620 Wetzikon

Mo - Do:
07:10 - 20:30 Time

Fr :
07:10 - 18:30 Time

Our practice is located in the Zentrum Möwe (Coop)

Arrival by public transport

The practice is located between the bus stops Oberwetzikon (lines 850, 851, 852, 853), Zentrum (850, 852, 853, 857) and Schloss (850, 851).

Arrival by car

In the underground car park of the Zentrum Möwe there is sufficient parking space. They are free for up to one hour.